Conference registration is now open for the joint VFSUK-RAeS Conference: “Turbulence, the unseen threat to vertical flight”. The conference will take place at Shrigley Hall Hotel & Spa, Pott Shrigley, Cheshire, SK10 5SB, 24th – 25th May 2023. Leading experts around the UK will gather to deliver outstanding presentations on turbulent effects. The technical programme and instructions for speakers will be released soon.
Conference Registration
For conference registration, please use the online store set by the University of Manchester below:
If you need to book a room at Shrigley Hall, please use the Eventbrite link below. The link is valid until 17 April, after which rooms will have to be booked directly with the hotel.
Conference Topic: “Turbulence, the unseen threat to vertical flight” Venue: Shrigley Hall Hotel & Spa, Pott Shrigley, Cheshire, SK10 5SB Date: 24th – 25th May 2023
Please follow this page for more updates.
This conference focusses on the topic of operating vertical lift aircraft from maritime, urban locations and any other location where mechanical and/or thermal turbulence is a threat to safety. Both thermal and mechanical turbulence continues to be an issue when landing and taking off from helidecks located close to other structures, such as a ship super structure or an oil platform. There is also emerging evidence that the turbulence from large wind turbines will affect helicopter handling qualities, for example when conducting Search and Rescue missions inside a wind farm. Furthermore, many of these issues will also apply to future Advanced Air Mobility or Unmanned Aerial Systems as buildings can generate similar levels of turbulence. This conference is specifically aimed at bringing together all the interested parties to address the various elements of safely operating vertical lift vehicles in a turbulent environment. Papers to examine these problems are sought in the following areas:
1. Modelling, test, and certification
What are the best techniques for identifying and modelling the effects of turbulence on a vehicle’s response? How can additional sources of data, such as Flight Data Monitoring and LIDAR be used to contribute towards modelling, testing and certification? Identification of new certification standards requirements for the assessment of turbulence on a vehicle’s response?
2. Training
Operational issues with operating in a turbulent environment: how to train and prepare pilots for operating in turbulent conditions. Flight simulator fidelity requirements to replicate turbulent conditions.
3. Design
Vessel, platform, building and wind farm design and layout to minimise/mitigate turbulence.
Abstracts, between 500 and 1000 words, should be submitted to one of the members of the organising committee by 12/02/23. Selected papers will be published in a special edition of an archival journal.
Notification of authors: 28/02/2023, Submission of papers: 12/05/2023
The VFS-UK annual event will take place at the Royal Airforce Club in London on 16 Feb 2023. All members living or working in the UK are invited. The event is devoted to military helicopters and includes presentations from experts in the field. It is also an opportunity to discuss and shape the future of the chapter, its activities, and offices.
Attendance is free though it is advisable that members register their attendance via Eventbrite at: Link